Sunday, August 12, 2012

Pink Eye

Yeap, woke up with Pink Eye this morning. I went to bed last night and one of my eyes looked a little red.... I looked up the Spanish word for PinkEye so I can tell my mama tica about it soon. It's the same almost the same word in Spanish: Conjuntivitis.

I was supposed to go to my friends house today and we were going to do homework, swap music, make guacamole, and walk around. It looks like this sicko is staying indoors. I'm not sure if I have the viral or bacterial version of pinkeye. I feel fine, and my eye doesn't even itch or anything and I guess viral pink eye is typically found with other flu like symptoms like swollen lymph nodes, sneezing, etc. However, bacterial pinkeye is the version that puts tons of green nasty, crusty or gooey stuff in your eye and when you wake up you can barely open your eye. I don't have that at all....I had some stuff in my eye but nothing crazy. I know I have pinkeye though....unfortunately viral pinkeye is worse and more contagious than bacterial pinkeye and it also lasts longer. I hope my oldest host sister doesn't come over with her baby today....

Uhg. Today was going to be great.

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