Saturday, August 11, 2012

Lost in Translation

So I decided to tell you guys about the conversation I had with Oscar a few days ago. As you guys know, Oscar is my only Tico friend (at the moment, I know I will find some more! haha) and his English is close to being perfected. However, he made one of the biggest translation errors ever haha. With Spanish and English a lot of verbs sound similar and mean similar things. For example the word informar in Spanish means to inform....and it looks really similar to our English verb "to inform". There are so many verbs that are like that: celebrar, regresar, cocinar, comprender, and more. But of course there are some verbs that aren't similar to our English verbs at all. Not at all... Oscar was texting his friend while we were having a conversation and he apologized for the interruptions. He said, "I am so sorry my friend keeps molesting me!". Haha I lost it. I was dying of laughter, so obviously he knew he made a mistake. He was like, "What?? My friend is annoying me, right? That's what I said?". In Spanish the verb molestar literally means to bother or annoy....but in English to molest is much, much different....haha I had fun explaining that to him. He was embarrassed but also laughed a lot after I told him.
He also told me about this girl he has a crush on haha it was cute. He asked me for a different word to use other than jealous...because I guess he's very jealous of this girl's ex-boyfriend who keeps coming and going. I told him he could use the word envious, but really "jealous" will suffice.

I'm planning on going to a store today to find some yarn so I can crochet something! I have the time so I want to make something with it.... My host dad drew me a map so I'll try my best. Anyone who knows me a little knows I get lost, and turned around everywhere. I can't even count the number of times my host dad has laughed at me for turning the wrong way out of the house.... embarrassing. I wan't to crochet this funny granny square will take 64 granny squares but I think I can do it with 4 months left haha.

Also! I braided my host sisters hair again. I've braided it three or four times now and she loves it. I asked her if I could practice other braids on her hair and she was so excited! She was like "Puede hacer otras terezas??" "You can do other braids??". So now I have another way to talk to her more. I don't really talk to her that much because my Spanish is still struggling....but hopefully this will force me to talk and work on my spanish. She told me about a race in October that is pretty short but you receive a cool shirt! I told her I'm game.

That's it for today.
Hasta Luego,

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