Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Week thus Far

Okay so I haven't been telling everyone about my classes or anything recently due to all of the craziness lately. But, just so everyone knows my host dad is at home and seems to be doing okay...or is at least stable! He can't really leave his bed I don't think...Or at least not for long. I'm sure it's the doctor's orders and I'm sure that he hates it.... but his health is more important.

So anyways. Monday I had my first massage class!!!!! I am SO excited about it. The first class was just our teacher describing to us what the class would be like and what to expect. He said that the class is almost all practice, which is perfect! I like hands on learning. That wasn't meant to be a pun, but it kind of is. haha. It's pretty legitimate too. I'm supposed to find some massage oil, a towel, and some other stuff. Can't wait. He gave a short lecture on the benefits of massage and even in Spanish it was exciting.   I can't wait for next Monday!

I had my meeting with my second Spanish exchange student, Karen. She was really nice but her English is comprable to my Spanish....and my Spanish might actually have been better...and that's saying something! But we had some good conversation and we both learned a lot. We walked around for awhile and everything was Pura Vida! She sings and I told her I would go hear her sing on Thursday at 12! I can't forget. A second Tica friend is at stake here. I need my tico/as.

Today in my Spanish class we were choosing topics to do projects on. It was one of those moments where I realized too late that if I didn't say something soon enough, or pick one of the topics that I wasn't crazy about but could at least manage, then I would get stuck with the topic that no one else wanted. I just didn't raise my hand fast enough and got stuck doing a project on Costa Rica's government....when my other friends get to do Costa Rican weddings, national parks, dancing, and holidays. Yeah, I really got the shaft.  Eh, Tuanis.

Tuanis Defined 

I found this little guy in my room last night. I thought he was pretty cute but I barely got this photo and then he was gone. I don't mind him hanging out in my room but I really hope he doesn't poo on my clothing. He can poo on my books, or my pencils....or anything else (besides my bed) and I really wouldn't mind. I just hate the idea of putting on a shirt one day and finding gecko poop on me. Yikes. We can be roommates though. It would be nice to have the company. (Just not in my bed or pooing on my clothes).
Sorry the picture is kind of lousy... I had to zoom in a lot so I wouldn't scare him off too soon. 

Tonight my mama tica made me a meal that I've never had before, which is crazy because I think I eat the same 4 meals. (I don't mind! It's all good) But once again the picture is kind of lousy. I had these big noodles filled with meat and topped with cheese. They were good, but the plantains are always my favorite. Usually with my meals I have fresh limeade, lemonade, guava-ade, pinapple-ade....what ever tropical fruit my mama tica is feelin that day. Tonight....I don't know what I drank....It tasted like liquid vanilla pudding and it had cinnamon sprinkled on top. It was okay....but I asked her what was in it and she went and got this package that just said "crema" on it.....haha which is just pure cream....and then she said she added some vanilla and then the cinnamon. It was soo sweet and rich, but I can't complain. She makes my meals three times a day!


That's all for now, I hope everyone is doing great! 
It rained a lot today...tis the season right now.  

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