Today I had my three hour drawing class for the first time. I went into it feel pretty positive, we managed to find the place alright and the teacher was really nice. Then we started drawing. We were supposed to be practicing perspective but apparently my perspective sucks. We drawing standing up with an easel and were supposed to squint one eye, hold the pencil out, find the angle with the pencil, and then keeping the arm straight with the pencil in the same position as the angle, draw the angled line. It was a lot more confusing in Spanish. All we had to do was draw these boxes and mine turned out did my American friend Alexandra. It's unfortunate that this is Drawing 2.... even the way you hold a pencil is different! I looked up some stuff on perspective, about horizontal lines, vanishing points, and what not. It makes more sense now. My teacher was trying to tell me these things in Spanish but seriously my art terms are lacking. I know the colors in Spanish and that's about it. We're supposed to practice 9 hours every week at home but I don't have an easel at my house, or a wooden board for my easel, or space for my easel, or even boxes to draw! Like I said, my family keeps it simple. There is no clutter which means no boxes for me to work on my perspective.
Then I ate my lunch in anguish.
Afterwards I had my first dance class at 3pm. I went into that class, refreshed from lunch and feeling a little more optimistic. It turns out most of the class has already learned how to dance. The guys in my class are really good, but they're also Ticos. The Tica girls are just as good. The group of 5 Americans: embarrassment mixed with awkwardness. I can only hope to become a Tica before I leave. We did learn how to yell different things while we dance. One thing we yell is simple "Hey!", and another is spelled and emphasized like this: "uuuuiiiIIIIPPP!" It's crazy loud. My teacher's voice seriously broke the drumsticks on my eardrums. Another thing we yell is something with a really long rolled "R"... I still can't roll my R's. My Gringa was really prominent today when I couldn't do it.... oh well.
After class it was pouring, literally down pouring. We caught a taxi back home. I guess it's not safe to walk to the bus stop/from the bus stop to my house when it's after 5pm alone.
So that was my day. Tomorrow is a holiday, but I might be walking 12+ miles tomorrow for this holiday. But things get better Friday because were going to Tamarindo Beach for the weekend!!
Sorry for the ranting, my other posts hopefully won't be this negative again.
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