Friday, September 28, 2012

This Week

Not a lot has really happened this week, but here are some things I could think of that I think are interesting.

During class this week I saw a tumbleweed of Tica hair go rolling across the classroom. I'm not joking. It looked like a legitimate tumbleweed... It kept rolling around our Profe's feet and it was driving me crazy. Finally someone got rid of it.

Today my friends and I got together and we made Avocado-Pesto whole wheat Pasta. It was good! It needed more kick so I added some crush red pepper which reminded me of my dad (he can add it to anything, it's always the go to spice for him). My friend Alannah made some homemade granola too!
Alannah and Alexandra hard at work!
So it looks a little odd..but it was good!!

More Avocado on my salad? Always.
P.S I think Avocados have addictive qualities.  

Also this week we painted our shoes. They aren't done yet but here's some photos: 


Alannah and I made one shoe look like the Costa Rica flag and the other like the American flag! I need to put some words on mine still and go over the colors again but they're coming along nicely! They're too clean looking right now...I can't wait to get some dirt on them, they're just so stark right now! 

Today I also went on a run. Like a lot of my runs I rely heavily on the people getting me back to where I need to be. However today I decided to use my own judgement to figure out where I needed to go in order to get back home. Not the greatest decision unfortunately. I finally gave in and asked a women where Santa Lucia was and she was just like, "'s really far from here." But it worked out okay because I ran longer. Sometimes I just get bored of running the same routes and my runs are cut short just out of boredom. Today was different! Pura Vida! 

Oh also, I went to the small produce store by my house tonight. I purchased one large cucumber, three large carrots, and 5 large stalks of celery for less than $2!! I thought it was pretty cheap, but I don't remember how the states produce prices compare... I'm going on another trip to Monteverde tomorrow so I cut up the vegetables for car snacks, woo!  

Last, but definitely not least, I got to see puppies last night!!!! Not your average puppy...but big poofy chow puppies. SO cute. My friend will be deciding on the one he wants Sunday evening so more pictures will be coming later of the one that he chooses!  

So cute!! 
That's it for today, 
Buenas Noches amigos! 

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