Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Ups and Downs

My days fluctuate a ridiculous amount. What do I mean by this? I don't think I have experienced such a drastic change in moods and events until I came here. This was my day today:

Today I woke up and met that runner girl that I was talking about earlier. We met in the park at 6:30 and ran till 7:30. I came back home, showered, and waited for my mama tica to come back from church. She eventually came back and made me, and my host sisters, a delicious breakfast of pinto gallo, eggs, plantains, pineapple, and bananas. While we were eating the phone rang and my mama tica answered it. It was someone from the hospital. I ate my breakfast and watched my mama tica talk. She then began to cry... I've never seen her cry about my papa tico before. She's usually very, very strong about it all. Not because she doesn't care about him, the love that they have for each other is still so prevalent and endearing, but because I think she just tries to be strong for the family. This morning however the walls came down. When she got off the phone she told us that the doctors had given my papa a pill that he had taken this morning fairly early. He reacted to the pill. His arms, and legs became really, really cold and it became hard for him to breath and he started to sweat and sweat. He was supposed to come home today. However, due to the pill he now has to recuperate in the hospital for another 15 days. The pill made him even worse...a lot worse. It was all so sad.

I had already made plans with Alannah and Jonathan (the one with the parents who own the yoga institute) to go to the farmer's market in San Rafael (it's really close to where I live). So even though it had been a rough morning I decided I should still go. I'm so glad I did. I had a great time. We walked along the stands checking out the different kinds of fruits, and Jonathan actually bought a lot of fresh produce since he lives with his uncle and can actually cook. We had an awesome lunch there too. We had fresh coconut water and this typical Costa Rican farmer's market corn tortilla thing. We were pretty lucky with our food. Since we asked for the corn tortilla things without meat the woman couldn't give us one of the ones that was sitting out already. So she made it fresh. Oh my gosh, it was perfect. A homemade corn tortilla (we literally watched her make it) with beans, cheese, cabbage, carrots, and the best part, hot sauce. Everything fresh, everything tasty.

After the market we went to Jonathan's uncle's house since we had never been before. He lives up in the mountains in the same area where we went hiking yesterday. The house was AMAZING. We hung out with his uncle for like three hours atleast. It was so cool. He is a total dude. He had SO many stories. He told us all about the vietnam era and what his life was like then. We sat and had coffee together, and then regressed outside and had a bonfire for a couple hours. His home is beautiful, he and his wife have decorated it with beautiful mexican rugs, prints, virgin marys, Day of the Dead skeletons, and really cool wooden sculptures. Jonathan lives in this amazing apartment that's over the garage that's across from the house. It's a really beautiful set up. Afterwards Jonathan dropped us off by my house and I walked home.

I get home and the lights are all off, which is weird for 3:00pm in my house. I went to my room and within 30seconds my oldest host sister walks in and says that everyone is at the hospital and asks if I want to go too. I of course said yes. We went and I actually got to see my papa tico!! It was so great, but so sad. He still seemed so happy even after this mornings incident. He told me that he misses talking to me about my trips and my life, and that it's something that he loves to do and always looks forward to. He's sad that he has to hear about everything from my mama tica instead. I brought some leaves with me that I'd collected today, and he loved talking to me about them. We talked for 20 minutes and then I had to go. It's so easy to talk to my papa tico, we always have things to talk about and I really miss it. I talk to my mama tica too, but my papa tico and I have more common interests. He said he feels better...but he was constantly wiping sweat from his neck and face, but said he was very cold. I guess he's still getting over the pill that he took. I hope he recovers fast.

Here are some photos from my day:

Coconut water!! I don't like dried coconut slivers but I LOVED this. 

My delicious corn tortilla thing

the view from the house, there's a second house to the right which his uncle also owns. He bought it just so no one else could buy it and obstruct his beautiful view.

I loved these cups. They're typical Costa Rican cups. Many people use these cups here. He has quite a collection.

I drank coffee from one!

All of the people waiting to get in to the hospital...people wait for hours just to see their loved ones. It's crazy.  

Here's a link to view the video from the dog walk I did! The photo of Oscar, Amber, and I are in it! 

PS I just thought I should let everyone know that the super nice muchacha that I met in the Indy airport still talks to me! She lives in Indy and we're planning on meeting up when I get back! She's Venezuelan and wants me to practice my Spanish with her haha. I'll be able to visit  my grandparents in Indy too! 

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