Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I wont be able to post for a little while so I thought I would post some photos! The semester is basically over for me. I have one project to present and one more final to take (which will be super easy) and that's it! My drawing and dance class ended today, and my massage class ended Monday.

My host familia realized that I don't have any photos of Luci (my oldest host sister's child) with me. So while I was working on my project they came into my room and plopped her in my arms! Haha it was so cute. She's the cutest little tica baby. This isn't even close to her cutest picture. 

Last day of drawing!!! Woo! That's my professor and my friend (gringa) Alexandra. He gave me a 90% in his class! Woo! He told me I should continue practicing to get better and better...I told him I would practice during my boring US classes. He thought that was funny. 

The students at my university made these cool structures throughout campus using CDs! They look pretty cool.

Final dance presentation....I've got my inagua on!

End of my group presentation...

The final ENITRE group presentation. 

The class! All the small groups represent a different providence in Costa Rica! Also, that's my professor in all black. She's such a sweetheart! She gave me a 99% in her class...haha pretty sure I didn't deserve that but I'll take it! 

I'm off to rescue sea turtles in the morning I'll be back Sunday evening....exhausted I'm sure! 

Buenas Noches mis amigos! 

PS Thank you SO much to everyone that has sent me mail. You don't even know how a bad day could suddenly turn into a great day just by receiving a piece of mail. When ever I felt frustrated or down getting some mail always cheered me up. Just ask my friends, they'll tell you how excited I get. Today, as usual, I waited an hour for my dance group to finally show up, I was so mad. After the meeting I went to the post office to check my mail, and what do you know, MAIL! Completely turned my day around. 
Thanks again, 
Muchisimas Gracias a todos!!  

I will be home soon =)

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