Wednesday, October 17, 2012



I saw this Banana display at the Auto Mercado a couple of days ago. It's so cute! It tells you a little tid bit about each type of banana and their benefits!  

Another tid bit about fruit. When I first came to Costa Rica my Mama Tica asked me if there's anything I don't specifically like. I told her I like just about anything, but emphasized that I love eating lots of fruit and vegetables, especially fruit for breakfast. Ever since that day I receive a big plate of strawberry, banana, pineapple, and sometimes kiwi every day with other food. Within the last couple of weeks my Papa Tico has been eating a plate of fruit too, but I didn't think anything about it. A couple days ago he was like Sara, look! I'm eating the same fruit plate as you. I said something along the lines of oh wow that's great...I didn't really know what he was getting at. Then yesterday he explained it a little more. He told me that he has NEVER eaten fruit for breakfast before and the majority of Ticos don't either. He had never even thought to eat it for breakfast apparently until I came. I was SO shocked! Costa Rica has so much fruit it's almost ridiculous and the majority of people aren't eating it for breakfast?? Anyways, later into breakfast I mentioned that he looked so much healthier and that his personality/well being seems so much happier as well. (My Papa Tico hasn't been the same since he got back from the hospital but within the last week and a half he has completely changed into his usual self). He told me his daily fruit in the morning is making him well! Haha now I understood why he brought it up. I'm really glad he's reaping the benefits of those extra fruit vitamins in the morning, I wish the rest of Costa Rica was!  

Today he went to the hospital for some sort of thing...He described it to me but I'm not sure what it is. He made it sound like they were going to separate his lungs or rib cage? I'm not sure why. I hope it goes well, part of me didn't want him to go because he really seems like he has recovered in full. I hope this thing doesn't set him back. 

I found this book at the hostel we stayed at this weekend! Naturally I picked it up and brought it to the beach. Unfortunately I didn't really read very much of it. But I liked the title =)

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