Monday, July 30, 2012

Catholic Rosary Ceremony

It' Monday. This means another day were I really have nothing to do. Today I went to the university to meet up with friends and walk around for a bit. We got lunch some lunch, I bought a $2 calzone that was huge. My friend and I split it for our meal and we were both stuffed. Our calzone was just as cheap as the taxis here. Can't believe it.

Anyways starting next week my Mondays will finally be filled with a massage workshop in the mornings! Also starting up soon every week I'm supposed to fulfill 4hours of Gringo-Tico time. Aka I just have to talk in spanish/english with a tico student 4 hours every week. Sounds good to me. I need some tico friends.... all of mine are mostly American. That just won't do. Haha just kidding, they're great people.

Tonight I went to a Rosary service for the Virgen de los Angeles. It was really cool. It was hosted at one of my friends house. The outside porch was decorated with flowers and statues and they had an alter set up for communion. The song they sang were beautiful in Spanish and some of the tunes were some I recognized! It was neat. After the ceremony we ate bread. Lots and lots of bread. I feel so full right now it's ridiculous. They were all sweet breads except for one option. They served this flat englishmuffin looking thing that had beans in the middle of it and then topped with cabbage and carrots. It was really good....I had four. I didn't really eat very many sweet breads. I tried one but they're not my favorite.

Well that was my day today.
Here's some photos from the beach!

Jaco Beach

Just a little dog abuse in the Hyundai, no biggie

The photos don't do the waves justice. They were huge!! 

Buenas Noches!!

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